Internet connection clogged up

I can only get to the internet via dial-up as I live outside a country town too far from the exchange for ADSL.

My problem is quite often my connection is clogged up with (I assume) downloading updates for the various “nasty checkers” I have loaded, ie. the status window is showing constant traffic in both directions (mainly down). Is there any way that I can check what this traffic is and where its coming from, and how to stop it until I don’t have more pressing matters.

There are a number of programs that can do this for you. A favourite free one is Netlimiter. However the results won’t tell you much unless you are an experienced computer user.

Unfortunately a lot of websites and Internet applications are demanding on your Internet connect and require a broadband connection to get all their info down.

Another problem is many applications are constantly ringing home to check for updates. It’s best to turn off automatically loading programs like Quick Time, Real Player and Java that can slow your computer down. We describe how to use the Microsoft System Configuration Manager to turn these off in a previous post.

You can also disable the Windows automatic update by going into the Control Panel, by clicking the Start Button, Settings and Control Panel. Then choosing Automatic Updates and changing the setting to “Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them”.

Finally, you might have a virus or trojan infection on your computer. We’d recommend following our removing a Trojan instructions to make sure your computer is clean.

If all of this is too much, you may want to call in a computer tech to have a look at how your computer’s performance can be improved.

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