Removing a windows shortcut

I’m using Windows XP Home. When i hit the space bar (no programs open) a window pops up with ‘search results’ and below this search companion and then asks what does she want to search for……pictures/music/video.

… documents…..etc

On your system you have a shortcut key setup so the space bar is associated with the search function. You’ll need to look on your desktop, toolbars or start menu for a “Shortcut to Search” function.

If you find it, right-click it and choose properties, click the Shortcut tab and delete anything in the Shortcut key box.

It might turn out that you can’t find the errant shortcut. You may have to take the computer back to an earlier restore point which we’ll discuss in the next IT Query.

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    2 Responses to “Removing a windows shortcut”

    1. Windows XP Search is an integrated system component and has NOT an ordinary shortcut! There is not such way as “click the Shortcut tab…”. Another thing – there is not a legal way to make Spacebar as Hotkey. Read Windows Help (F1) “Hotkey” reference! So the answer is wrong.

    2. P.S.
      In some forums I found recommendation for this problem – replace the keyboard. No one told after, was it helpful or not. Yes, it was! In my case it was a buggy Logitech keyboard.

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