The Security Centre is currently unavailable

I have Windows XP. I removed an Anti Virus and replaced it. Now, when i enter Control Panel and click Security centre I receive a message \”Security Essentials\” \’ The Security Centre is currently unavailable because the the Security Service was not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer( or start the \”Security Centre\” service ) and then open the Security Centre again.How can I have new Anti Virus included in ? ( I can configure \’Internet Options, Automatic updates and Firewall )

It appears the old anti virus has disabled the Security Center Service. To fix this it should be a matter of enabling the service again.

To do this, open the Control Panel, go to Administrative Tools and open Services.

Go down the list until you get to Security Center, click on it and select the Startup Type as “Automatic” and click “Apply”. Then click “start”.

Many services rely on other services to run and the Security Center Service relies on the Windows Management Instrumentation and Remote Procedure Call Services. You might have to check both of these are set to “Automatic” and are running.

If any of these services have a problem starting then we’d suggest taking the computer back to an earlier restore point and if that fails, call your friendly local computer tech.

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    One Response to “The Security Centre is currently unavailable”

    1. Thankyou for the help really did work. I was concerned what was going on but i did wat u said and it helped thankyou again

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