My computer is running slow

I am currently running Windows XP. My PC is only a few years old but lately I have noticed that the whole system runs v e r y slow.

I have heard on an ABC radio show that this may have something to do with windows trying to update either Windows Exploer or Microsoft Office product. I can’t remember which.

I have Trend PC Cillin as my anti virus and Fire wall. And this is all up to date and no spyware, viruses or harmfull windows programs have been found. I schedule anti virus scans daily.

Can anyone offer any help?


Hi Brett,

It is possible the Microsoft Update service is slowing the machine. We’ve covered this previously. Some of the recent revisions to Microsoft’s update services may have addressed this problem so it may solve itself in the next round of updates.

We’d also recommend uninstalling any software you no longer use, checking your hard drive isn’t full and running a cleanup program like Microsoft’s Cleanup Manager or the superior Cleanup! and CCleaner.

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    1. [...] Generally, it’s best to regularly clean up your computer as we describe in this post. [...]

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