Burning CDs from Windows Media Player

I have Windows XP Professional with Windows Media Player version 11.0.5721.5230 and all the current updates. I am having trouble burning CDs…it may burn 2 out of 12 songs and then just says it can’t burn and finalises the CD so its wasted. It doesn’t do this all the time, just sometimes but I am wasting far too many CDs. I like making compilation CDs from my own collection and I am getting very frustrated. I have slowed the speed right down, tried different brands of CD. Is there another music program which would do this for me more consistently?

Burning CDs is a bit of a black art. There are a lot of variables and results can be unpredictable.

The first thing we do when confronted with a CD burning problem is to turn the burning speed down to the bare minimum.

In Windows Media Player 11 you can turn the burning speed down the following way, click the Tools menu, select Options then under the Burn tab change the burning speed to “slow”.

If this doesn’t work, we’d suggest getting another CD burning program such as Nero. You may find your computer has a copy of Nero Express or a similar program already on it as part of the package.

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