The cursed cursor

Hi ,

I have a very minor, though very strange and frustrating, problem with my Dell laptop.

The cursor keeps moving automatically to either top-right or bottom-left corner of the screen. The mouse doesn’t work and it’s impossible to do anything. Then, all of a sudden it will be ok.

What do you think could be causing this? I’ve tried other mice, so it’s either a socket or other hard/software quirk.


Hi Andrew,

It sounds like hardware. First, is this happening only with external mice and is the laptop’s built in glidepad working fine?

If this is happening with both the Glidepad and external mice, then it’s a Windows problem. The first thing we’d suggest is to uninstall any mouse software you currently have on the system. It is possible an older program is interfering with the rest of your system.

If this fails, visit the mouse settings in the Control Panel and check the Scrolling features are not set too fast.

You might also want to check for spyware. This is the sort of problem we’ve often encountered with silly spyware infections.

If the problem is only affecting external mice, then it could be a hardware problem, try plugging the mouse into a different USB port, or test it through an external USB powered hub.

It’s also possible the desk or surface you are using is tilting, sometimes leaning or shifting position causes the mouse to roll one direction or another. Try changing the surface.

If the problem continues there might be a problem with your computer and we’d recommend getting a tech out to check it.

Best of luck.

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