My computer keeps shutting down

My PC keeps shutting down. What might the problem be?

This is one of those problems that could be a number of things. It could be hardware or software related.

The key to finding out is by noting when it shuts down. If it regularly shuts down due after several minutes work, then it is probably hardware related. Shutting down when a certain program or document is opened, usually indicates a software problem.

You’ll have to note when the shutdowns actually happen before it’s possible to say what the problem probably is.

It’s worthwhile running a check for malware. Sometimes spyware and viruses cause these shutdowns.

If it’s a hardware problem, it’s probably a failed fan or defective power supply. Sometimes an inadequate power supply is trying to power too many devices. Unplugging all USB and Firewire equipment will indicate if this is a problem.

Diagnosing these sort of problems takes experience and patience. You might find calling a computer technician is a quicker and more cost effective solution.

If it’s a hardware

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