Windows 98 problems

I am using an aging laptop-Windows 98. It’s a delightful little computer but runs really slow.
How do I delete cookies? Would that help to speed it up?

It also won’t open attachments, nor allow me to access little boxes with extra info-eg-I made general enquiries re the zoo prices times etc. Lots of little boxes with extra info were unavailable to me through my machine,so I went to the library and read them on one of their computers.

Also is it possible to upgrade it to Windows 2000?

Unfortunately computers are like cars, over time they struggle to keep up with the newer models. With the rapid changes in the computer industry, older computers have to work harder to keep up.

We really wouldn’t recommend upgrading to Windows 2000 or any other operating system. The poor machine is going to struggle and you open all manner of opportunities for things to go wrong.

The problem with the computer not opening links and pop ups is probably due to the web browser on the machine. You should upgrade to Internet Explorer 6 (version 7 won’t run on Windows 98), Firefox or Opera.

You may have to install other software to read some attachments.

For cleaning up the computer, we’d recommend Cleanup! You should also check your anti virus program is still running, updating and is not slowing the machine down.

Sadly, it might just be that it’s time for a new computer. If you still aren’t happy with the performance, you may want to visit our PC Rescue site for the latest computer specs and go shopping.

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