No Disk, error message c0000013 on starting a computer

We are running Windows XP – every time we start the computer we get the following error message:
Windows – No Disk: Exception processing message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c

It doesn’t seem to make any difference to the way everything works – is it a problem – or how do we stop the message appearing.

It sounds like there’s a program starting with the computer that looks for a disk, probably a removable drive or a CD/DVD that isn’t in the tray or connected so the system bleats about it being missing.

To fix this, first disconnect your computer from the Internet. By this, we mean unplug the affected computer from the modem or network.

Then open the System Configuration Utility by clicking start, run and typing MSCONFIG. Once in the utility, go to the startup tab.

In the startup tab, take the tick off ALL the items. This will probably disable your firewall and antivirus which is why we recommend you are not connected to the net while doing this.

Reboot the computer. You may get other error messages relating to other programs not starting, ignore them.

If the error message does not go away you need to call a tech.

Normally the missing disk message should have gone away. It’s now a matter of finding which one is the problem program. We do this through a process of elimination.

Go back into the start up tab of the System Configuration Utility and tick the top half of the programs listed and reboot the computer.

If the problem re-appears on restarting, it’s one of the programs you’ve ticked. Take half the ticks you put on last time and reboot again. Keep doing this until the problem go away.

Should the problem not reappear, it’s in the other half of the programs. Tick half the ones remaining and restart again. Keep doing this until the problem reappears.

By adding and removing programs, you’ll find the one causing the problem. You can then leave that one disabled or uninstall the program.

We often see this after removing spyware or viruses, the removal tools fix the underlying problem but don’t remove what was starting with the system.

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    5 Responses to “No Disk, error message c0000013 on starting a computer”

    1. Thanks for your site.

      I think the problem is with Vista and not so-called problem programs. Here is why:

      Any access (testing for a disk loaded) to a drive with no media inserted will cause this problem. I have tried dozens of ways to get around this in my programs (until Vista, perfectly acceptable). It’s never been a problem with XP or any other OS.

      The only solution to date is to always have a cd in the drive. That will work only if you don’t use your dvd drive.

    2. I have XP SP2 and I found out that if the usb card reader is attached,with no card it will cause the error

    3. I am having this problem if I use the DVD and get this error the immediately upon removing the media. It’s a brand new computer system, haven’t had Norton antivirus installed because it’s win xp 64 bit and it wasn’t compatible. So, do I need to leave a CD in all the time or does anyone have an idea here. Just as a side note, the first time (and only time) I went to the windows update site, only chose the critical updates, my system blue screened and crashed and I had to go back to the last known working config to get the system up and running again. Uninstalled all the updates. However this problem was here prior to that. Just an FYI.

    4. IT Queries: Computer problems answered » Blog Archive » c0000013 after installing Norton update Says:

      [...] covered some no disk errors previously and you may want to try those solutions, particularly the MS Config [...]

    5. My friend has caught a virus and cannot use the run operation and cannot use his cd drive because the virus has infected it how can he reboot his whole computer back to the basics like when he bought it without these options. For answers e-mail

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