“You might not have permission to use this network resource” error

Have updated to Norton 360 on main computer now can’t access this computer on my network places

Office Computer operates on Windows XP

Notebook on Windows XP Professional and currently using Norton Internet Security 2005

I can still access C Drive on Notebook but access to Office Computer is denied

The error message is “Office is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource.Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission. The network path was not found”.

Regards John

Hi John,

The problem is almost certainly firewall related. The Norton 360 is blocking access from other computers.

This is proper behaviour for a firewall, unless told otherwise the system will block anything that’s potentially a problem and other people trying to connect to the computer is certainly a problem.

To fix this, you’ll need to tell Norton 360 to trust your local network.

Open Norton 360, click Tasks and Settings then Advanced Settings and Firewall Protection Settings.

In the Firewall settings, click Network Location. In there your network will be listed under Limited Locations, highlight it and click the arrow to it the Trusted Locations box.

There are some other errors that can cause this with the network sharing in Vista and XP which can be fixed through changing file permissions and network locations in the Vista Network and Sharing Center.

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    One Response to ““You might not have permission to use this network resource” error”

    1. Is there any way you could elaborate on the errors between Vista and XP? I’m having nearly the same problem except that my laptop is Vista and the PC is XP.



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