Turning off Word macros

Macros are mini programs that are designed to run basic tasks. Microsoft Office has a fairly powerful macro writing system that enables users and programs to automate simple function.

Because this tool is so useful many programs like to add macros to Microsoft Word to improve their functions.

Macros though are fairly clumsy tools. They can go wrong, interfere with other functions or even carry viruses.

In our view, it’s best to minimise the number of macros that start with Word and Excel.

Most macros are built into the standard Word document, called Normal.dot. You can disable them by searching your computer for all files called normal.dot and renaming them to normal.old. This method may change other settings like custom fonts and may not disable macros in existing documents.

Other places macros can lurk is in the various Office startup folders. Word macros lurk in the Startup folder and Excel macros in the XLstart. These hide in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11 folder. Note the Office11 folder changes on the version of MS Office in use.

While macros are useful, we’d tend to discourage programs that rely heavily upon them. This is another reason why it’s a good idea to uninstall any programs that you aren’t using.

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    2 Responses to “Turning off Word macros”

    1. IT Queries: Computer problems answered » Blog Archive » How to enable Macros in Word 2003 Says:

      [...] In the first instance, we’d recommend uninstalling any unused programs and removing an macros from the Word start up routine. We describe how to do this in another post. [...]

    2. Dear Experts:
      I am using Vista in an HP desk top PC. I cannot print from W
      ord because of the message “Enable Macros”. I do not know how my PC got to that state. Can you indicate how to fix the problem?
      Thank you!

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