Outlook Express not sending stationery

Outlook Express will not send email with stationery. However, it does not give an error message and even moves the email to the Sent folder – but the recipient never gets it. I have even tried sending it to myself with the same result. I can see the stationery fine (no missing file), and if I remove it the email gets received. Any idea what’s wrong?

Outlook Express relies on the same computer language as web pages, this is called HTML. It sounds like Outlook Express is set to send in plain text rather than HTML.

To change this, open Outlook Express click Tools, Option and under the Send tab tick the HTML button under the Mail Sending Format section. Click okay and it should work fine.

Note that some people’s email systems are setup to strip out a lot of pictures and HTML features because they can spread viruses. It’s not unknown for virus and spam checkers to assume heavily formatted emails are also up to no good.

We recommend keeping emails simple partly for this reason, so don’t go too overboard on the graphics.

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    One Response to “Outlook Express not sending stationery”

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