Program shuts computer down

I have an problem that some of our PCs shut down while running a certain program. What is the reason behind this? I am working with window XP.

The problem is the program is crashing some of the computers and they are shutting down. Unlike earlier versions of Windows, Windows XP reboots rather than displays the dreaded Blue Screen of Death.

The clue to the problem is in the error message the Blue Screen gives you. Among other things, it will list the application and driver that triggered the problem. Microsoft have further information on deciphering BSOD messages.

In your case, given it happens on some machines and not others, it’s a safe guess that this problem is hardware related and is probably the graphics card. You may want to check the differences between the machines that don’t crash and those that do.

Troubleshooting these problems can be time consuming and complex. If you aren’t experienced in doing this then it’s best done by a

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