Outlook duplicates email

I have Microsoft Outlook

The problem is that my mail frequently duplicates itself..That is, after I have read and deleted it and signed out of mail, when I sign back on, it delivers all of the same mail again. If i delete again, it simply delivers the same mail yet again next time i sign on

The only way I can clear the duplication is by goingn into Bigpond–my carrier–Webmail and deleting items there

Will be grateful for any assistance

There’s three things it can be. The first is you have the same account set up twice. Open Outlook, click Tools, Options and Email accounts.

In the email accounts, click View or Change my existing email accounts. You’ll now have a list of the email accounts Outlook is checking. Remove any duplicates.

If there is only one account then the current Outlook setup is damaged. Delete the account, reboot the computer and then return to the Outlook email accounts and recreate the account.

Should that fail, it may be a firewall problem that isn’t allowing Outlook to confirm the messages have been received. Check your firewall has allowed Outlook full access to the Internet.

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