Outlook is running very slow on Vista

I have Outlook 2003 which I’ve just installed on my new Vista computer. I’m finding doing anything in Outlook is incredibly slow

The problem is due to the indexing service. Vista automatically includes the Outlook folders in the list of locations the system monitors and this process slows Outlook down dramatically.

To disable it, open Outlook then click Tools, Options, Preferences and Search Options and take off all the ticks in the “index messages in these data files” box.

You can also disable the Indexing Service features by clicking the Start button, Control Panel and System and Maintenance.

Click on Indexing Options and click on the Modify button, and then untick the boxes Outlook folders under the “Change selected locations” box.

You may also want to take the ticks off everything except the Start Menu box as we’ve found that can speed up the computer as well.

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    One Response to “Outlook is running very slow on Vista”

    1. [...] Windows computers, there is the Indexing Service which was designed by Microsoft to speed up search. Unfortunately it never really worked that well [...]

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