Press F1 to continue when computer starts

when i start my CPU there is a message always appearing on my screen

“Press F1 to proceed”

how can i set that on my bios to continued booting and not to press F1 before it continues?

What’s  happening is your BIOS, the part of the system that remembers all your settings and handles the initial start up of the computer, keeps forgetting the computer settings.

This is almost certainly a flat battery on the motherboard. Most motherboards use a watch battery to keep the BIOS chip charged while the power is off. When the battery goes flat, the BIOS resets.

It’s probably best to take the system to a computer tech who can replace the battery and check your BIOS settings.

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    2 Responses to “Press F1 to continue when computer starts”

    1. Sanjeev Kumar Says:

      Dear Sir,

      I have Celeron PC.
      Few day back I changed the HDD which has Bad Sector. After change the HDD my computer give a message Press F1 to start the computer.

      As you advised that change the battery and check the BIOS setting.

      I have changed 2 batteries but my problem is same.

      Give me another solution.

      Awaiting reply

      Sanjeev Kumar

    2. In your case Sanjeev, the system has detected your hard drive has been changed and needs you to confirm the changes or enter the new settings.

      You’ll have to go into the BIOS and change your hard drive settings.

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