People can’t read my Office 2007 documents

I have the new version of Microsoft Office and people are telling me I can’t read what I send them.

Office 2007 has a range of new formats; Word 2007 saves documents in the docx format which is incompatible with the older doc formats.

The best solution when you are sharing files is to save files to the lowest level everyone can read. In Office 2007 you can set the file format by clicking the Office button (the big round button in the top left corner, click the Word Options button, click the Save tab.

Under Save Documents, click the drop-down arrow in the Save Files In This Format box and select Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc) the click OK.

Repeat this for Microsoft Excel.

One downside with this feature is that you will lose some Office 2007 features by saving to the 97-2003 format.

Office 2007 is going to become more common as will this problem. So we’d strongly recommend your friends and colleagues install the Office Compatibility Pack so they won’t get this problem in future.

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    2 Responses to “People can’t read my Office 2007 documents”

    1. What features will be lost in Office 2007 by saving to the 97-2003 .doc? corinne

    2. You have probably had this question scores of times, since I installed Windows Office 2007 I can’t read any of my older documents which is a huge agrevation, I know about saving new docs downward if I need to but how can I access all my old documents ?

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