Media Center cannot connect to Internet

I have just got a new notebook bundled with Vista Home Premium. This comes with Windows Media Centre. When I rip my music to the hard drive from cd Media Player cannot connect to the internet to download the cd information.

I have set up the internet connection successfully in Media Centre a few times but when the system attempts to connect it cannot, the error being no internet connection. So off i go again, following the prompts with the same outcome. V

ery frustrating and I don’t understand why a notebook would come wiht such a extensive system as Media Centre. if i knew what it was when i ordered the machine I would have got the basic Vista. Help please it is driving me crazy

The problem sounds like Media Center is being stopped by a firewall. Check your firewall settings that mcrmgr.exe is trusted to go onto the Internet.

If you continue to have problems, we’d suggest using another CD burning program like Nero.

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