The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action

When opening any application such as Internet explorer and even add or remove programs in control panel my computer says “The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please create an association in the folder options control panel”

Even when i try to run command prompt, it is asking to choose the program in which we want to open. What is the problem with my system?

This error message is the computer telling you it doesn’t know what to do with a particular type of file. Normally this is a simple fix of either installing the correct program or opening My Computer, clicking Tools, Folder Options and File Types where you can change the settings.

In your case the computer no longer knows what to do with .exe files so you can’t run programs.

Fixing this is a fiddly problem luckily Doug Knox has provided the answer and you can download the .EXE registry fix from his page.

It is probably that you’ll have trouble running the regedit tool or the zip functions because they are damaged as well. Doug explains what to do about this at the top of the page. It is essential you read and understand his instructions.

Once you’ve fixed the problem, scan your computer for viruses or spyware. It’s highly likely this problem is due to such an infection.

If you still have problems with your systems

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    18 Responses to “The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action”

    1. OMG, i love you!!

      My computer has been f*&%ed for a couple of days and i have been lost about what to do!!

      Thank you so much :)

    2. ankit khandelwal Says:

      I was having the same problem.I was in tension that i may have to format my xp and all my projects and programs will be removed.i searched also microsoft and other sites regarding help of this problem but couldn’t find it there.but i found it on your site.
      Thank you so much
      Ankit khandelwal

    3. Thank you so much, I have spent all day trying to get my laptop to work. After many hours on the internet trying to find a solution. I came across this website.Where ir actually worked!!!!!!

      Thank you very much, I can stop stressing out now.

    4. Holy Crap just thank you sooo much ive been stressing out for such a long time about this. just thanks a lot!

    5. I must agree with the above thank you very very very much. I have been trying to fix this problem for three days now and that download did it in 5 seconds.

    6. I totally agree with the above praise. I’m not totally fixed yet but the files/links/fixes above have freed up my system to where I can run my virus/malware scan.

      thanks thanks thanks!

    7. Thanks for the tip!
      Kinda goofed it up myself, but this fixed it right up.

    8. wow, great set of registry tool. thank you!!!

    9. av.exe virus wrecked my machine. while cleaning up the registry for this virus i accidentally messed up my registry :( this article was great and helped me resolve the issue. THANK YOU Doug Knox and Nigel Andrews. you have saved me hours.

    10. Thanks Alot!!! Av.exe virus was on my machine and messed up the registry trying to fix it!! This took seconds and worked and was safe!! Thank You!!!

    11. thank you sooo much!
      av.exe wrecked my computer too..
      it’s working again now… *so happy*

    12. Thanks so much!!! I’ve been out of town and finally had some time to fix my brother’s machine! It’s finally working again! Thank you thank you!!!!

    13. omg thanx
      u savd my life!!:):):):)

    14. OMG thank you so much! Worked like a charm!!

    15. You are a genius Mr Knox!!

    16. thank you :)

    17. Amazing, It worked and all I had to do was restart my computer afterwards!!!

      I got attacked by a virus posing as an “Official Microsoft Program”. It caused my computer to block any internet data transmission. If I tried google this fake virus thing would say google was “dangerous”. If I tried my Outlook… sorry but outlook was “unsafe”.

      I found the solution and removed all the registry entries 1-by-1 (took about 2 hours). Only one problem… little did I know that one of those registry entries was a tiny little execution file that tells something with an .EXE extension what to do with itself.

      The virus was removed (Yay!) but I was no longer to open ANY programs. Not even the calculator! I spent an hour mulling over the microsoft website on one of my other work computers and went through step by step to no avail.

      Despite some trepidation in downloading your ZIP file I was at my witts end so I did so. I figured the worst that could happen was I do a backup of my personal files and re-install windows. Low and behold your ZIP file it worked!!! I don’t know how exactly and quite frankly don’t care. I plan to re-install windows in a few weeks when my work quiets down. Thanks a million.

    18. Quirijn Dierenrooden Says:

      My XP system was unable to open exe-files after some foul ciq-infection got cleared away, but corrupting the registry on its way out. Paul introduced Doug, who showed how to get the registry started again – cool tip :) . The upload of the fix immediately cured the problem. Paul and Doug, great thanks for sharing your expertise!

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