Uninstalling Deep Freeze

I installed deepfreeze on my computer.

My problem is I don’t know how to uninstall. a friend of mine said that if i want to uninstall the program i must click the installer file. but a message appears.

“Deep Freeze 6 Standard must be disabled before any Install/Uninstall can proceed.”

How can i disable the deepfreeze where can i find the program? is not in the control panel add remove program menu.


The problem is Deepfreeze is running in the background.

Unfortunately Deepfreeze isn’t a trivial program. It has some tricks to uninstalling. Before doing anything you should ensure all your data is backed up.

Once you’ve backed up your date, follow the instructions on the Deep Freeze website.

If you are still stuck, you’ll need to call a computer tech. This program is very secure and shouldn’t be messed with unless you know what you are doing.

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    2 Responses to “Uninstalling Deep Freeze”

    1. Try Clean Slate instead. It is easy to uninstall if you should ever need to do so. Also, It is easier to work with than Deep Freeze. You won’t ever have to worry about Windows Updates or Anti-virus again.


    2. http://usuarios.arnet.com.ar/fliamarconato/pages/emanual.html

      Go here and get Deep Unfreezer.

      Copyright (c) 2005 by Emiliano Scavuzzo – All Rights Reserved This is the guy who found the loop hole in their code.

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