Conflicting IP address on the LAN

How can i find the conflicting IP address on the LAN? there is a message appearing in on the lower right corner of my screen “Windows error there is a conflicting address”.

The problem is you have a device with the same address on your local network. Either one of the devices is set manually or your router is giving out the wrong addresses.

The first thing to do is reset all the devices on your network. We have instructions for resetting the Windows computers on a previous page. You’ll have to do this with everything connected to your network; X-boxes, Air Ports, DVR, etc.

If that doesn’t work, turn off all your devices and restart your router. Wait a few minutes then start turning your devices back on. That should force the router to give out addresses in an orderly fashion.

Should one of the devices have a fixed IP address, the router may need to be set to exclude that address. You’ll have to read your router’s manual forĀ  instructions on doing this.

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