Blocking websites

My staff and kids are spending too much time on facebook and myspace. How can I block these sites without buying some expensive security software?

The quickest and easiest way is to edit the hosts file. This file is loaded when you start the computer and is used to direct Internet requests. You can direct requests for certain domains not to go beyond your computer.

In Windows, the hosts file lurks in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Open this file using Notepad and add the lines and

On the Apple Mac the hosts file is in /private/etc/hosts.

Keep in mind this will block all access to those domains, so if you block a certain domainĀ  you won’t be able to receive anything from that address.

Also remember this method, like all methods of blocking Internet access, is not foolproof. Determined little fingers will find ways to get around this block so it’s no substitute for proper supervision.

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