Computer freezes and then turns off

I am using XP home edition as my OS. When I try to convert an AVI file to a DVD file using DVD Flick or Convert X to DVD my computer freezes up and eventually turns itself off. This is a recent problem as i had no bother using both programs before last week. Any suggestions? Thanks

Given this has recently started, is happening with two different programs, both of which are heavily CPU intensive, and the computer freezes before turning itself off, it sounds like the system is overheating.

Open the computer and see if there’s dust build up, particularly around the CPU. If there is a light brushing or a squirt of compressed air should shift the dust.

Before doing this, unplug the computer from mains power and leave off for an hour or so before working on it as hitting hot CPUs with a blast of icy compressed air may damage your system beyond repair.

It’s also worthwhile investing in an anti static strap as doing any work inside your computer risks damaging your system with static electricity.

Finally, note that opening the system may get you into warranty disputes with some suppliers. Although a system supplied with Windows XP Home is probably well past its warranty period.

If all of this sounds a bit much then contact your local computer tech to look at it for you.

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