Publisher can’t import website

Hi, I have Microsoft Publisher on my computer and I run on Windows Vista.

Every time I attempt to open a file from another website onto Publisher, An error message comes up stating ” There is not enough memory to convert the text formatting. Windows is low on memory. Save your work and close other programs to free up memory, and then try again.”

I have a 2GB memory, This message comes up anytime I attempt to open anything from the internet. How can I fix this?

The problem is Publisher can’t convert the webpage into a format it can work with, so it throws out an obscure and misleading error.

If you insist on using Microsoft Publisher, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to resolve it as Publisher is notorious for compatibility problems although you may want to try re-installing the program to see if a damaged installation is the culprit.

Otherwise, you might want to try copying the website into another program such as Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer, saving it and then trying to import into Publisher.

Generally though you’ll struggle with using different formats in Publisher as it is simply isn’t designed for sharing with other programs.

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    One Response to “Publisher can’t import website”

    1. Thank You for your reply. I was trying to download templates for publisher and I keep getting this error message. Will try to solve the problem.

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