Cannot access CD drive, incorrect function error

My computer is a Medion notebook running Windows XP Home, SP3. I suddenly have problems accessing the CD-ROM drive (Drive F:) from Windows to copy photo files to a blank CD. Error message: ” F:/is not accessible. Incorrect function.”

The D drive works OK with recorded CD and DVD and also works with burning CD and DVD with burning software (NERO and MS Media Player).

Microsoft helpline blames the manufacturer, which I contacted and they say it’s a software problem. I also researched the net where the same problem was discussed many times but no solution offered. Can you please help

It sounds like the problem is actually hardware; either the CD-ROM has failed or there is a loose cable inside your systems.

The first thing is clean the CD-player. Your local electronics or computer store will have CD or DVD cleaning kits available so buy one, use it and see if that resolves the problem.

If it doesn’t you’ll have to call in a computer tech or take the system to your local computer shop. It could be simply a loose data cable or you may need to replace the drive. Either way, it’s a fairly cheap repair.

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    One Response to “Cannot access CD drive, incorrect function error”

    1. Hello Paul,
      this problem has been known for years and until today I could not find a reasonable answer on the net. The reason for this problem seems to be the NERO burning software. It changes your computer’s settings in “Services” during installation i.e. the IMAPI service is set to “disabled”.
      Here is how you can resolve this problem:
      - Open your Windows Control Panel and go into Administrative Tools > Services
      - Scroll down to “IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service”
      - you will see that the item is “disabled”
      - double-click the item and reset it from “disabled” to “Automatic”.
      To save the changes restart your computer.
      That’s it. Your CD-ROM drive will be accessible again!

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