Email messages returned with an Error 554

I am using windows XP. I am on Microsoft Outlook for my email and I have gmail as my default email.

All of a sudden, my emails are only successfully sent to people. Others, esp those with yahoo or addresses are sent back with a postmaster 554 error message. it is not limited to these addresses, however. some receive and some don’t . For example, the school district isn’t getting my emails but no error message isn’t sent back.

What should i do? should i go to control panel, firewall, and go to advanced and press return to default? i am scared to as it said some things could be lost. I think at some point last week I pressed a button somewhere saying ‘reset’ but i can’t remember what i did . thank you so much.

Email error 554 really doesn’t tell you much except the message has been rejected by the recipient’s server. It could be for any of a number of reasons which could lie on your system, your Internet provider’s servers or a problem at the other end.

One common problem is time and dates. If the clock on your computer is seriously out, then some servers will reject emails sent from it. So checking your computer’s time and date is a good first step.

You should also check your return addresses are correct; for instance if you are sending out emails saying you’re with AOL when you are really with Comcast will be another reason for servers to reject your emails.

If the problem continues, call your Internet provider and get their support line to walk through your email settings to ensure they are correct. Beyond that, the problems are either with the various mail servers or your ISP.

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    One Response to “Email messages returned with an Error 554”

    1. Continue with the the good work on the site. I kinda like it! :) Could maybe use some more updates more often, but i’m sure that you have got better or other stuff to do like we all do. :)

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