My passwords have been hijacked

I have had my Hotmail account hijacked. My password, secret question and alternate email address have been changed. All of my contacts have been notified allegedly by me that I am stranded in London and require money.

My IT lady has cleaned and updated everything on my computer and we have notiified Windows Live Solutions in order to attain a new password in order to access my contacts. Have notified our bank and Western Union , who are supposedly to receive any money sent to me. I will notify the police on Monday, as they were closed when I went to advise them yesterday. Have not heard back from Windows Live as yet.

Is there anything else I should do? Do you think I could open another Hotmail account ? I am hesitant to do so in case the perpetrators are still linked to this computer. My IT lady says it should be fine, as she has cleaned and updated the computer. Interestingly enough, I culd still access Facebook using my hotmail address and password. I only did this the once, and am not game to get back on to change the password.

Hoping you can be of assistance.

The number one thing you must do is setup a new email address with another service such as Yahoo! or Gmail then change all the password and email addresses on every web service and computer you use. You should do these NOW before the bad guys can do mischief with your other services.

We’ve covered what to do with hijacked Hotmail accounts before and because your IT lady has already cleared your computer it sounds like it is safe to assume your password was cracked.

When you set up a new password, follow our instructions on choosing a secure password which will reduce the risks of this happening again.

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