“No audio output device installed” error

My new computer has no sound. It has no external speakers but the built in speaker was fine to begin with. Then we intalled Adobe Shockplayer and Spybot, and the sound was gone. I has a “high definition sound device” installed which Windows says is working properly, but the sound icon at the bottom right corner of the screen has a cross next to it, and flashes “No Audio Output Device installed” when I move the mouse pointer to it. Can you help? I’m running Vista operating system.
Kindest regards, Chance.

Hi Chance,

The problem is probably not related to Shockwave or Spybot. Some device drivers have an irritating habit of just dropping off the system. Sometimes the Windows Update service messes up an upgrade.

The simplest way is to go back to an earlier restore point. We’ve described how to do this in an earlier post.

If this doesn’t work, you can use the Device Manager to repair the driver.

Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and then double-click System. In the system box, click the Device Manager tab. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.

In the Device Manager box, you’ll have a list of all the hardware connected to your computer. Click the “+” sign next to Sound, video, and game controllers and you’ll get details of the audio devices.

If it isn’t working properly, then there will probably be a yellow and black exclamation mark symbol next to the device.

Double-click the errent sound card, and then click the Driver tab. Click Update Driver Software button. Follow the Update Driver Software Wizard to update the sound card driver. You may be asked to insert the CD provided by the manufacturer.

Repairing these problems can be tricky and if you find yourself stuck, it’s best to call out a qualified computer tech to help you.

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    2 Responses to ““No audio output device installed” error”

    1. [...] We’ve covered missing sound devices in a previous post. [...]

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