Does my computer have a virus?

I have had some trouble with my computer, It seemed to be some type of virus, which has left me limted use of my computer. The CD ROM will not work, so I cannot reload my windows, when I try to open word, excel etc, it opens but windows installer come up saying installing excel feature,and asked me to insert xp disk,which I can\’t because CD Rom not working, I also have external drive but also not work now,Also have trouble with upgrades from Microsoft.

It doesn’t sound like a virus but a problem with the motherboard drivers. Drivers are the software that translates commands from Windows to the hardware. In this case it sounds like your USB and IDE drivers have a problem.

It’s always worthwhile checking for a virus. The Trend Micro Housecall is a good online tool.

If you find the housecall doesn’t work, then downloading and installing the Windows Scripting Host might resolve both this and your Windows Update problem.

There are two other Windows Update problems we’ve addressed previously and it may be worth checking these.

The “insert disk” message is an irritating problem that plagues Microsoft Office users. The simplest solution is to fix the CD problem so you can insert the installation disk to keep the system happy.

You might find the Local Installation Source Tool might help, but our experience is that easier to get the disk.

Overall, it sounds like you need a computer tech to have a look at your system as there are a number of things going wrong with your system.

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