iPod disk missing

“I am having trouble synchronising ipod shuffle with windows XP error message of ‘Cannot find required disk’ are you able to help”

What’s happening is iTunes cannot find the correct disk.

Windows handles disk names by giving each drive a letter. When you plug in an iPod or anything else that has some sort of storage in it, Windows will allocate a letter for that device.

What we usually find with this problem is that you have some removable and network drives connected and Windows has messed up the drive letters so the iPod is now a different letter to what iTunes is looking for.

The simplest solution is to unplug all the external drives, scanner, cameras, printers and anything else that might have been connected since the iPod last worked.

If that doesn’t work, Apple have instructions on fixing this at their website. We’d suggest giving the drive a letter further down the alphabet so it doesn’t get mixed up, “P” for “Pod” might not be a bad one.

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