Hidden Windows

I am using Windows xp Home and I have only just started to get the following problem.
Opening A new window it appears behind existing open windows. I have to minimize all windows to see the new opened window
I have tried Microsoft article 256986 but this did not help.

The Microsoft Knowledge Base article to use is 886217.

This article describes how to change the registry settings. We do not recommend this for anyone except experienced technicians.

Fortunately a feature to fix this is included in TweakUI, part of the Microsoft Power Toys suite of tools. We’d recommend downloading and installing TweakUI.

To use it once you’ve installed it, click Start, go to All Programs, select Powertoys for Windows XP, and click Tweak UI.

Once Tweak UI opens, go down the list on the left hand side and click the “+” square next to General, and then click Focus.

Clear the Prevent applications from stealing focus check box, and then click OK.

TweakUI is a great tool, but it’s capable of great mischief. If you choose to explore all the features available, make sure you back up your system before playing with it.

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