Dial up networking disconnects

I have a dial-up connection that often disconnects. It happens more frequently during business hours and evenings.

Using Internet Explorer repair tool seems to cure the problem for a while, but it always returns after visiting several sites.

It’s unlikely websites are causing your dial up settings to changed unless you are downloading some very devious malware.

A more likely culprit is your dial up networking settings are set to too short a time out. This means if the modem or computer doesn’t detect any activity for a certain amount of time, then it disconnects.

Microsoft have instructions on changing dial up networking settings on their website. You need to change the Idle time before hanging up setting.

On that page, Microsoft also mention you might be disconnected before the time is up by the server. It is quite possible your ISP is disconnecting due to higher traffic loads in the evening.

Another common problem we see is the email client might be set to disconnect after sending email. This can be changed in the email program by setting the connection to use the computer’s network connection rather than the email program trying to start or close the connection.

Generally we find for most users that dial up connections are now more expensive and troublesome that broadband. It might be worth moving over to broadband.

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