What should I do with computers damaged by fire

On Christmas Day my house nearly burnt down. The problem was that a can opener caught alight. Toxic soot went into everythink in the house including my computer.

I have been advised that this toxic smoke will shorten the life of the computer and will need to be replaced. The computor is a dell 3100/E310 amd all is covered by insurance.

Can the computer be cleaned or does it need to be replaced and i have also been advised that all electrical items like the TV and radios need to be replaced.

Sorry to hear about the fire. Our advice is that electrical equipment that has been damaged by water, smoke or power surges should be replaced. Even if they work for some time afterward, their life will be reduced.

Given everything is covered by insurance it would be best for you to make a claim for full replacement.

If you have valuable data on the hard drives a good computer tech should be able to recover it from the damaged hard drive.

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