Cannot log onto Hotmail after installing McAfee Internet Security Suite

I’ve recently installed McAfee Internet Security Suite and now I find I can’t log onto Hotmail. I keep getting “incorrect password” errors. It happens in both Internet Explorer and Firefox.

The password is correct as I can log on from other computers and other computers in my home seem to work fine.

We’ve seen this problem at a couple of places, it appears the Personal Security function interferes with the way Hotmail receives passwords.

It should be possible to disable these functions or add the website to the trusted list, but none of these seem to work.

The only solution to this we currently have is to uninstall McAfee through the add/remove programs and use a different antivirus package.

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    One Response to “Cannot log onto Hotmail after installing McAfee Internet Security Suite”

    1. I haven’t used my hotmail address for some time and my old e-mails have disappeared. Is there any way of getting them back?

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