Restoring lost Microsoft Office clip art

I have lost all my clip art pictures on my computer. Is this a matter of deleting then re-installing Microsoft Office or is there a much easier way than this. Many thanks.

You don’t need to uninstall and reinstall, open the Control Panel and click Add/Remove Programs, or Programs in Windows Vista, and select Microsoft Office.

To right of the selection there are two buttons; change and remove. Click the Change button.

In the Microsoft Office setup screen select Add or Remove Features. Depending upon the version of Office you’ll either be presented with a list of features or a screen with tick boxes for each of the main components of Office.

If it’s the latter, click the choose advanced customization of applications and the features list will appear.

The clip art appears under the Office Shared Features heading. On some versions of Office the clip art itself appears under Clip Organizer. Click the Clip Organizer or Clip Art and select Run All From My Computer.

At this point you will need your Microsoft Office Disk. Insert it when prompted and install the clipart. You can also access clip art online from Microsoft as well as download clip art from third parties or buy it on disk.

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    One Response to “Restoring lost Microsoft Office clip art”

    1. Most of my clip art is gone. I went thru the steps above, got to Clip organizer but do’t see Run All From My Computer. Also I do not have the Office disk.

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