Unable to open email attachments in Vista

I don’t seem to be able to open my email attachments. I am using Vista. Thanks!

This is a long standing problem with Windows Mail and Outlook Express. To protect you from potentially infected files coming in on your email account, the program simply blocks most attachments.

To fix this, open Windows Mail, click Tools then Options and take the tick off the box next to Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus.

Click Okay and the problem’s fixed.

Update: If you’re using AVG then you may need to change your email plugin settings. We have instructions on doing that in a later entry.

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    9 Responses to “Unable to open email attachments in Vista”

    1. I just tried your suggeston but still no attachments showing up. thanks

    2. Paul Wallbank Says:

      Are you receiving any error messages when you try to open your attachments?

      Also what program are you using?

    3. I am using Windows Mail and Windows Internet Explorer
      I am using Vista Basic. I am not receiving any error messages. I have had my laptop for about 6 months, but I have never been able to open emails. I have to open them at work. Thanks Min

    4. Paul Wallbank Says:

      Min, I’d disable your anti virus program and check that isn’t causing this problem. Make sure you’re disconnected from the net before doing this.

      If it isn’t your antivirus, then you should contact the supplier of your computer as it sounds like there is something wrong with the Windows installation.

    5. Thanks for the tips. This is a great service!

    6. Paul Wallbank Says:

      Thanks Min, it looks like there’s another culprit for this. We’ve put it in another entry.


    7. I am running Vista and using Outlook Today as my email. Some attachments open others are just a blank screen. Any suggestions for a fix?

    8. E-mail attachments will not open on my Vista

    9. open attachements on my e-mail Betty Prow bjprow@sti.net

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