Sharing a Windows Live account

I have set up a home wireless network with a main Dell desktop and a Dell notebook both running Vista home premium and Live Mail.

Is there a way the laptop can receive emails please?

I have tried forwarding them without success and thought I had configured everything to share emails,but apparently not.The laptop will operate email on its own but messages that come thru to our email address stop at the desktop.

If you are using Windows Live Mail it’s probably easiest to simply use the web based service by just logging on through the web browser on both machines. That way you’ll have a common address book and sent items.

The downside with doing that is you can’t use it while you’re offline.

If you want to use an email client like Windows Mail or Outlook you’ll have to change the advanced settings of the email program to leave a copy of the messages on the server as we’ve shown in an earlier query.

Should you do this, make sure you tick the option to delete the mail after a certain number of days or eventually your email will clog up.

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