access to the folder is denied error after reinstalling Windows

Hi , problem is that since a few days back I was using Windows XP on my laptop and I had some encrypted and compressed (locked) folders in d: in which i kept all my important and private data in .

Now yesterday I formatted my c: to install the new version of windows vista home basic but now whenever I am trying to open those folders or files inside them ,its showing errors saying “access to the folder is denied” or you need permission to access this folder . Plz help me coz the data is really important & I literally can’t afford to lose it .

Thanks .Take care .

Normally this is an easy to fix as this Microsoft advice page explains.

However, you’ve encrypted the drive and I’m sorry to say but it’s unlikely you’ll get the data back.

Microsoft’s encryption is fairly powerful and if you lose your passwords or reinstall Windows you will get locked out.

For this reason our recommendation is to keep a secure, unencrypted backup of encrypted data unless you have serious security requirements.

I’d like to give you better news but in this case I suspect recovery is close to impossible.

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