Avg7core.Vxd stops my computer from booting

I tried to uninstall AVG  but it said  access is denied. I then deleted Grisoft and AVG out of my programs. Now my computer will not start up.
I can only go into “safe mode”. My Windows 98 computer will not start the Avg7core.Vxd that seems to be stopping it.
If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know? I need to do some typing that is important so I really need to get it fixed.

This problem has come about because you didn’t remove AVG properly. Windows nows thinks AVG is still installed so it’s looking for the AVG system files when the system starts.
To fix it, start in Safe Mode, click Start and Run then type;
notepad system.ini
The System.ini file will appear and you should go down the list of programs until you get to the line containing Avg7core.Vxd.
Put the word REM and a space at the front of that line so it reads something like;
Save system.ini, close notepad and restart your computer.
You’ll find the system is now working. You might want to run a clean up on the system to get rid of stray files and system entries like the AVG reference that caused this problem.
There’s also the problem of a virus checker for your Windows 98 computer as AVG no longer supports older operating systems, we discuss that problem in our AVG doesn’t work with Windows 98 post.

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    4 Responses to “Avg7core.Vxd stops my computer from booting”

    1. Me too. Unfortunately, I removed any ref. to avg in system.ini, and can’t replace it.

      Computer boots OK after hitting enter on the 3 missing files. Any help please?

    2. Paul Wallbank Says:

      Hi Peter,

      You can fix it by running a registry scanner like CleanReg which we describe in our Registry Cleaning Tools post.

      CleanReg will look for Registry entries to missing files and get rid of them for you.

    3. Thanks Paul,

      Off out now, will give it a try on my return.
      Thanks for help.


    4. Elmer Homero Says:

      I had a similar problem, only my computer did boot after aknowledging the absence of 3 files: AVG7CORE.VXD, AVG7RS.VXD and AVGTIDI.VXD.
      What seems to have solved the problem was to use regedit and delete the keys that pointed to it (in CurrentControlSet, if you don’t know where it is, just do a search in the registry for AVG7CORE.VXD and you will find it).
      AVG Free 7 REALLY gets under one’s computer skin!!!! Sheesh!

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