Removing a rootkit infection

It seems that I have been infected with a rootkit as my internet download amount was used in just under 2 weeks (last month). I have changed my password, and redone my computer several times in the last month.

My operating system is Microsoft Vista and I’ve been taking all measures that I can think of to try and clean my system, but I think that it has returned again. Any suggestions on cleaning this type of type of problem (Rootkit)?

Rootkits are the worst possible type of infection and can be difficult, if not impossible to remove. If you do have a rootkit infection, then we’d suggest calling a computer technician and being prepared to reformat your system.

We’d also recommend you disconnect the computer from the Internet and backup all your important data.

If you’d like to try it yourself, then you can follow our removing a Trojan instructions. Be warned, rootkits are notorious at appearing to have been removed and then reappearing a short time later.

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