Email crashes Internet explorer

I downloaded the script problem which eliminated the blue box with a red cross in upper left hand corner. New problem: When I send an E-mail, the screen fades and says that Internet Explorer has stopped working and shuts my computer down.

It sounds like Internet Explorer is struggling with something. The first thing is to check you don’t have a virus.

If your system is clear, then reset Internet Explorer by clicking Tools and Internet Option. In the Internet Options screen, click the Advanced tab and click Reset. Another box will appear and you should click reset again.

Note that this will disable any toolbars and add-ins you currently have in Internet Explorer.

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    One Response to “Email crashes Internet explorer”

    1. [...] is an errant add in such as a phishing filter or anti virus program. We’ve covered resetting IE in a previous post. Again note this might affect programs like password [...]

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