AVG makes my email appears in plain text

Since installing AVG 8 I’ve found my email won’t display HTML emails. All my email appears in plain text. How do I fix this?

This is a weird bug in AVG 8. To fix it, open the AVG Control panel by double clicking the AVG icon, the multi-coloured square in the bottom corner of your screen.

In the AVG Control Panel click Tools, Advanced Settings and select E-mail scanner. Take the tick off  Certify incoming email.

This is a bug with AVG and we expect it will be fixed in the near future.

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    4 Responses to “AVG makes my email appears in plain text”

    1. Thank you a million ways to Sunday!!
      I haven’t had the time to actually go in and investigate this, but disabling the email scanner puts a huge chink in my armour!!
      God how i love the internet…

    2. Thank you! I was having the same problem…

    3. I tested mail merge for hours and discovered that:

      - AVG is the problem
      - 707 words is the limit (or maybe it’s counting characters); more than that and it become plain text


    4. Thank you so much! This has been driving me crazy!

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