Mobile broadband on Vista

I recently bought a mobile broadband modem which connects on every machine but the one I need it too. I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 running Vista.

The software loads, there are no conflicts but when I try to connect to the net, I get “connection terminated”.

I have removed and re-installed the software several times and rebooted the machine.

As it works on other computers, I would think the mode is not faulty. Any suggestions?

The modem isn’t faulty. As you’ve gathered, if it’s working on other machines then it isn’t the hardware.

This problem is almost certainly a Vista driver problem. The solution will be to download the latest software for the modem from the manufacturer’s website.

When you do this, make sure you uninstall all the old software and reboot before setting up the modem using the new drivers.

There may also be some quirks with the telco’s setup having one of your other computers handy will allow you to check your settings to make sure you are accessing the right access point and have the right login details.

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