Cannot start computer after a virus warning

Recently I received a note to say that my PC had a virus attack. I did turn of the computer and when I tried to re-start it it came up with a screen that I did not have before which indicated that I was part of a network with my user name for a log on. When I tried to logon it came up with “starting up” then immediatly came up with “computer shutting down”. It is now NOT letting me start up at all. any information will appreciated.

Unfortunately you have a serious virus infection.

You can follow our removing a trojan instructions by downloading the spyware removers on another computer, transferring them to CD or flash drive then copying them to your infected computer while it’s running in Safe Mode, but it’s probably unlikely you’ll remove it and that assumes the computer will actually start in Safe Mode.

A virus infection of this size is probably best dealt with by a professional computer technician as it can be extremely difficult to remove.

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