Where do deleted files go?

Where the deleted matter goes after deleting a file? i know it goes in the recycle bin but even after deleting from there where does that file goes. is there any software incorporated in the system which receives the file or whatever the reason is please clear the doubts.

When you empty the recycle bin on a Windows computer the files don’t actually go anywhere. Instead Windows adds a character, usually shown as the “$” sign, to the beginning of the file’s name. This marks it as unreadable to the computer.

Because the computer doesn’t see those files it thinks the space on the hard drive is empty and eventually the files are overwritten by newer information.

The problem is that leaves a period where they can be recovered. A good tool for doing this is the Restoration program which we’ve discussed previously in our Recovering Deleted Files post.

If you are concerned about fully removing deleted files, then you’ll need a “shredder” program such as Eraser which we looked at in our Clearing Out a Computer post.

Eraser is a very powerful tool which will clean up deleted files but be careful because if you click the wrong button, you may wipe the entire computer.

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