Windows logs into a default profile

When i try to log in into my system, it is showing a dialog box with a countdown timer stating that “windows could not log on in user profile but has logged in the default profile”.Then it entered through the default log in and not in my log in. pls help me out………..

Your user profile is damaged. We’ve partly addressed this in a previous post, as it is usually is caused by a failing hard drive.

Some good news is that, assuming the drive isn’t badly damaged, your data can be recovered from the defective profile.

There are a number of ways to recover the profile, but all of them involve serious registry editing or renaming important directories.

The simplest way is to rename the old profile folder. When you log in the next time, a new profile is created and then data can be copied from the old profile.

However doing this can be time consuming and the data is often deeply hidden so we recommend getting an experienced computer technician in to determine the problema and the best course of action to recover the profile.

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