Windows not booting
My windows XP won’t start. I shut down the computer yesterday, today when I started it it will run till the windows boot screen, when the bar reaches the end the screen will stay black and nothings happens
I tried to boot in safe mode but after loading the drivers it just stays there as well and wont go on with the boot.
I wanted to repair the system with the Windows XP CD-ROM but I’m not given the option to repair. After it starts all the devices needed, i’m presented with the partitions I have on my PC to choose in which to install windows, if I pick one I can format and install or just install.
Is there a way to run a repair or a scandisk to try and solve the problem without re instaling windows?
Really appreciate any help.
The problem sounds hard drive related and running the Windows XP CHKDSK command to see if there are any errors on the disk is the best first step to fix the problem. The old Scandisk command went out with Windows ME.
When you boot from the hard drive, you need to choose the Recovery Mode option which allows you to run basic operations on the system without reintsalling. Microsoft have instructions getting into it on their website. Once you are in the Recovery Mode, type the command CHKDSK /r and be prepared to let the disk check run for anything up to several hours.
If you have important data on the system, it would be best to boot the system from a Knoppix disk and copy all valuable information across to an external drive before carrying out any work.
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