AVG Free Anti Virus download keeps failing

I have been trying to instal AVG Anti-Virus Free version 2011 on my home computer. I use windows XP.

I went onto the internet and run the program to load it on,it then asked me to disinstall my Norton Anti Virus before proceeding to instal the applications. I did as instructed and then proceeded to run the program to install the applications. It showed 119mb.I left this program to run and it was loading on very slowly so I left it overnight.

When I checked the monitor next morning there was a black window with BKR Saver on the top left corner showing and I couldn’t do anything to get rid of it to see if the program was still running.I started from scratch again yesterday and again this window came after a short while when installing the applications.

It had however downloaded 37mb from the previous days attempt when the computer had been on for at least 8 hours.I am at a total loss as to why this is happening.Can you offer me any advice?

The problem is with the AVG downloader package, it’s obviously not handling the download and the speed of your Internet connection well.

The best bet is to download the package directly from the AVG Free website, make sure you choose the 16-bit program for Windows XP and avoid choosing the Windows downloader again.

If that doesn’t work, there are alternative free anti-virus packages which we’ve discussed on our Three Free Antivirus Programs post.

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