unknown error 1418 on iPod on Apple Mac

I have just bought a Ipod shuffle and have not been able to sync my music and I get an error message unknown error 1418. I have tried with out success is any one able to help??

It sounds like there is a problem with the disk format. The first thing to do is format the disk. On the Mac do the following;

Open the Disk Utility: In your hard drive, go to Applications, Utilities and Open the Disk Utility, your iPod should appear on left hand side.

Erase the iPod: Hightlight the drive, click the “Erase” tab, choose Volume Format as “MAC OS Extended (Journaled) if you only use it on the Mac, or MS-DOS if you might connect the iPod to a Windows system.

If you want to be sure the iPod has been fully wiped tick the “Zero Out Data” in the security options. This can take hours and you must not interrupt it.

Finally click Erase, leave it until it is wiped then eject it. Restart your computer, update iTunes and try again.

If it still doesn’t work on the computer, try it on another. If that still fails return it to the shop for a replacement.

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