Speeding up a computer

My pc seems to be getting slower what ways are there to speed it up before I decide to go out and buy more speed for it?

I assume you mean getting more memory when you say “buy more speed for it”. In my view, adding memory is always a good idea to give a sluggish computer a boost.

In this case though we’d recommend you give your computer a clean up just to see if that will give it a speed boost. First, try uninstalling any unnecessary programs. Only remove programs you know and don’t use: If you don’t know what it does, leave it alone.

The next step is to make sure your system is clean with a spyware check.

Once you are sure the system is clear of nasties, run a clean up tool to flush out accumulated junk. We recommend CCleaner or Cleanup! Make sure you backup important data files first.

With all of that done, it can be worthwhile checking your disk for minor errors. The Chkdsk tool built into Windows is as good as any.

If you find all of this hasn’t improved speed then you should speak to your local computer tech about the upgrading options.

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    7 Responses to “Speeding up a computer”

    1. [...] Clean up your system Sometimes the system is cluttered with temporary files. Clean up the computer to flush out anything that might be getting in the [...]

    2. [...] this is caused by a virus or defective software. Before lugging it down to the store you should give the computer a clean up and check for [...]

    3. [...] We’d recommend running this tool followed by cleaning up your computer. [...]

    4. [...] most common and simplest cause of freezing is a full hard drive. If that’s the case, our speeding up a computer advice will help you. Although if you are seriously short of space then a visit to your local [...]

    5. [...] first thing to do is clean up your computer as it may well be something lurking in your temporary files which is upsetting Media [...]

    6. [...] fix it, first uninstall all the versions of Adobe Flash on the computer. Then run a computer cleanup on the system. Finally reboot your computer then reinstall Adobe Flash [...]

    7. [...] fix it, first uninstall all the versions of Adobe Flash on the computer. Then run a computer cleanup on the system. Finally reboot your computer then reinstall Adobe Flash [...]

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